Free Suave Products (watch videos)


 Suave is offering Free Suave Professionals Product Coupons and possibly an entire YEAR of free products!  To get yours simply click the icons at the bottom of the site and watch the short video and pick the correct answer (its pretty much just a guess and you have a 50/50 shot at the right answer). 

If you get 4 correct answers you will get two free products (I was able to get this and it said they will mail me my coupons)

If you get 8 correct answers you could win a free year of products!

You can see your current prize by clicking on the "Your Progress" link at the top. Once you get to the prize you want, click the “Claim your coupon" link! 

Thanks swaggrabber


  1. I have one question… where did it say you would be getting the free products coupons in the mail?? I qualified for them and my progress has a check next to the free products but when I go to claim my prize it just has me download the same coupons.

    • It just came up saying thanks and that they would be mailed in 6-8 weeks or something (I had the 2 free products)

      **make sure you select the coupon you want or it defaults to the 50¢ coupon

  2. I got 6 right but the top 3 prizes are now unavailable so only could get one product, which still is great! Guess the other ones are all given away.

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