Latest Update on Kaley – MRI Last Night


Sorry I didn’t update yesterday, there really wasn’t much to say because we sat around waiting all day long for them to take her back to do a MRI and they didn’t come until 8:30 pm.  Then once we got up there her IV was clogged so they had to put in a new line but her veins are super hard to find so they had to call an IV team to do a sonogram to find a vein to use.  That was pretty cool to watch actually.  The guy was cracking Kaley up the whole time.


So basically the results of the MRI show that even though they left a drain in after doing the procedure to drain her abscess and have her on 2 antibiotics, the remaining part of the abscess is not getting any smaller so they are going to have to figure out the next step.  They mentioned surgery but I want to discuss other options before they cut her open once again.  They did switch her antibiotics yesterday to something that might be slightly better (the results of her culture came back so they now can narrow down the bacteria that is causing the abscess to form).  Sadly, I don’t think we will be getting out tomorrow as we had hoped  🙁


The best part of the day yesterday was when child life came by and gave her a teddy bear, it really cheered her up !


  1. I am pray Kaley and you, I hope that she is able to come home soon.

  2. You both have been through so much. My continued prayers are with you!! On a positive note, Kaley looks beautiful!!! 🙂

  3. So sorry Amy that kaley is back in the hospital, prayers for a quick recovery!

  4. Aww:( Sorry doesn’t look like she will be home tomorrow. Hoping for quick recovery and doctor’s wisdom.

  5. Becky in Orlando says

    Father in Heaven hold Kaley and Amy close and make this child well. Prayers for continued healing for your family, Amy. Bless your heart.

    Becky in Orlando

  6. Saying a prayer for her!

  7. Kristin Cooper says

    Sorry to hear about sweet Kaley. I am praying for her! I don’t know if you have ever considered a vegan lifestyle, but it has really helped others that suffer from the same issues.

  8. Will keep you both in my thoughts and prayers

  9. Praying Gods will for precious Kaley. May the New Year be filled with amazing health and lots of blessings for your family.

  10. To look that beautiful while being at a hospital is just crazy! FEEL BETTER!

  11. I haven’t been on fb & just reading this today. So sorry she isn’t feeling well.

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