(I would add a pic but she keeps yelling at me to stop taking pictures of her LOL)
Yesterday they put Kaley under “twilight anesthesia” and drained a bunch of puss from an abscess and are running a culture on it. She isn’t having pain from her abdomen anymore but where the drain is coming out of her really hurts so she has been taking pain meds all night. They hope to take the drain out tomorrow and that we will be able to leave within 72 hours. She REALLY wants to be home for New Years Eve !
Also we are hoping that she will be able to start eating food today, she hasn’t eaten in 2 days and now we are just waiting for the GI doctor to arrive and give the go ahead.
Hope she feels better soon!
I will be praying for her. God bless you guys and hope she feels better soon 🙂
Sorry to hear; it’s never fun to report a loved one is in the hospital. I’ll say a prayer for her. It’s good that your sense of humor is intact…. tell her your readers want the happy “after” photo!
My prayers are with you both!!
Hoping for a speedy recovery so she is home for NewYears Eve! You are all in our thoughts and prayers!
Sending you positive thoughts & hugs!
I’m so sorry to hear Kaley is in the hospital again. I will keep her and your family in my prayers. I know how hard it is to have a child with ongoing health issues, as my son was born with a Congenital Heart Defect and was in and out of the hospital having heart surgeries half of his life. He is now 22 years old, but as a mother you never stop worrying about your children. Always remember, God has everything under control and he will watch over her and take care of her. Just put your trust in him.
Thank you !
Poor baby feel better!!