7 Safety Tips Every Cyclist Must Know About

Cycling is a great way to stay active and healthy, but it has many accident risks. Over 45,000 individuals get into cycling accidents in the U.S. alone. For many people, riding a bicycle is more of an interactive hobby. However, there are numerous distractions on the road which can lead to accidents and cause minor to severe injuries. Whether you’re an experienced rider or just a beginner, it’s imperative to follow road safety rules to ensure safety, for yourself and others. To help you out, here are 7 safety tips every cyclist should know about.

1. Wear Proper Equipment

The first step towards road safety is to ensure that you wear proper bicycle equipment before you hit the road. Plus, wearing appropriate cycling clothes not only helps prevent injuries but also significantly improves your performance. While some cyclists prefer to wear spandex, head-to-toe wear, others stick to their normal clothing. Although regular clothing is perfectly fine, spandex cycling clothes provide extra padding and help prevent chafing. Ensure that you have all the necessary safety gear as well when riding a bicycle, and these include:

  • Headlights and indicator
  • Bike reflectors
  • Eye protection
  • Proper shoes
  • Gloves
  • Padding
  • Helmet

2. Carry A Safety Kit

Bicycle accidents are common, and many instances can leave you stranded somewhere with no backup, and no network. For a time like this, bring an emergency safety kit with you before you hit the road. Whether you’re riding smooth roads or rocky terrains, it’s impossible to predict when a tire will burst, or the chain comes undone. The emergency kit should hold all the maintenance equipment to ensure you can fix any problem that may arise. Your bicycle riding safety kit can include:

  • Basic first aid
  • Oil to grease chains
  • Inflation device or pump
  • Inner tube patch kit
  • Tire irons
  • Spare inner tube

3. Choose A Suitable Ride

The next thing you must do to ensure riding safety is to get a bicycle that matches your size. If you ride a cycle that isn’t the correct size, the chances of getting in an accident increase tremendously because it will be difficult to control the bike. Therefore, ensure that you get a suitable bike for your size. Ask the manufacturer to see their sizing chart as their sizes are measured with respect to height. You can also check if the cycle you’re getting is your size by gauging the distance between the bike seat and your groin. To check this distance, ensure that you’re standing flat-footed with your feet 2 inches apart. Pay attention as well to the handlebar height, angle of your seat, and tire pressure.

4. Be Aware Of Your Surroundings

The number one rule of road safety entails that you pay attention to your surroundings. Make sure that you don’t get distracted while riding, as that is the number one source of accidents. Although music while riding seems nice, it is a potential hazard during cycling. You’ll never hear a truck coming from behind you if you’re listening to music on full volume. You will also need to keep an eye on the track in case a vehicle is driving the wrong way, or at high speeds. Since it takes you longer to stop when cycling as compared to driving, it’s important to anticipate potential hazards and avoid them. These can include pedestrians, stray animals, swerving vehicles, or children. A major hazard, one that causes many cycling accidents is an opening, or opened car door.

5. Read Up On The Rules

One of the essentials for road safety is to read up on highway rules and regulations to ensure you cycle safely and avoid accidents. Plus, if you’re aware of the rules and follow them then you can’t be held responsible in case there is an accident and you need to file a complaint. You can read up rules online, or contact a professional attorney to help you understand the different regulations. The rules and regulations vary from state to state, that’s why the professionals at https://www.recoverylawcenterhawaii.com/bicycle-accident-lawyer/bicycle-helmet-laws/ suggest that you understand regional and state rules to specifically understand driving behavior. It will be safer when you know what to expect from fellow drivers. Proving fault in an accident claim is challenging, but it can be made simpler if you comply with the safety rules designed.

6. Don’t Stay Close To The Curb

Sure, staying close to the curb seems like the safer option since you’re avoiding heavy traffic when in reality, it’s actually more dangerous. You should ride at least a meter away from the curb or you’ll be putting yourself and others at risk. If you stay too close to the curb, drivers won’t see you when pulling out of a junction or turning a corner.

7. Signal Clearly

Signaling is an important rule of driving, no matter what type of vehicle you’re in. Cycles are no exception, and so, you should signal your intention before making a move. It’s important that you make certain signals to indicate when you’re turning, stopping, or slowing down when there’s traffic.


There are numerous health benefits of cycling regularly, however, there are also countless risks and hazards that go with them. No matter how many rules and regulations are imposed, there are always going to be reckless drivers and tons of distractions that could cause an accident. Still, you should ensure you’re doing everything on your side to avoid causing accidents. By following these simple tips, you can ensure that you practice safe riding habits.

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